ABC’s of Sales Improvement

Speaking strictly from a scientific point of view, when the creation of life as we know it happened, many believe that it did so with a very precise, exacting set of circumstances. There is great debate in the scientific community about whether any variation of events would have obliterated all possibility of life or if there was a little fine-tuning wiggle room in it. Scientist Stephen Hawking sees things as pretty well fixed. He has estimated that if the rate of the universe’s expansion one second after the Big Bang had been less by the smallest amount imaginable, that everything would have collapsed into a fiery ball, and life would not have happened.
Thankfully when it comes to humankind there seems to be purposeful wiggle-room. Religion and science may disagree on the creation of life – but they will both agree that humans aren’t perfect. By virtue of our very humanity, there is always room for improvement.
Three Step Improvements Process
A – Allow a critical eye. Step back and look at the whole picture. Are you content with the number of calls being made, the new business relationships you’ve started, the established relationships that you’ve shored up with quality follow-up, and the dollars that have come in? Question the overall efficiency in all of your processes – and look for the weak spots. Where do you fall short – research, organization, call scripts, mailed messages, or activity documentation? How accurate are your analytics?
B – Buy into new possibilities. There is an old saying, “Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.” Do you know how your competition operates? Do they have tools that you don’t’? Do they have any methods that nets them greater results than you’re getting? What kind of feedback are you getting from social networking/social media? Is there new software out there that can make your process stronger?
C – Congratulate yourself for having the wisdom to fine tune the process. More often than not life is about a leap of faith. If you’ve taken an introspective look at the way you do business and stepped out on the ledge of a new possibility that improved your sales efforts, congratulate yourself, and then go back to A.
There are an infinite number of possibilities when it comes to products that can make your sales life easier, more efficient, and more profitable, but Incite2 offered by ShadeTree Technology is a Saleforce add-on that should be on your list of considerations. It efficiently collects the various pages in Saleforce and puts them all one page – which by itself is a time/money saving factor. Building call lists is the heart of the increased success rate that is a given with the product. Do put a view of their demo on your exploration into new possibilities.
variation of events would have obliterated all possibility of life or if there was a little fine-tuning wiggle …