Don’t Step In Stress

Some years back I served as the editor of the city paper in a small bedroom community in California’s Central Valley.  When you’re the editor of a small town newspaper you are also the interviewer, photographer, typesetter, public relations manager, and floor sweeper.  You cover everything from fires and parades, to births, deaths, football games, bake-offs and award ceremonies.  It’s definitely not a sit down, put your feet up kind of job.  You lunch on adrenaline every day, more so as the weekly go-to-print deadline rushes in on you because there is absolutely, positively no excuse for not getting the paper out on time.

I learned something during those years.  I learned that there is a distinctive difference between “stress” and “adrenaline rush.”  Technically, the body responds in the same way, no matter which it is – but stress is bad and adrenaline rush is good.

Adrenaline Rush

Adrenaline is the natural hormone that your body produces that gives you heightened senses, boosts of energy, an increase in strength and stamina, and masks the pain and exhaustion that would have other-wise slowed you down.  You use the adrenaline rush to meet deadlines, find all the right answers to all the right questions, and systematically get through your to-do list, and get the job done on time.


Stress is a product of fear; fear of mistakes and failures. More often than not we can trace our stress back to something we did or didn’t do that we were supposed to do or not do. More often than not, we create our own stress and panic.

Sales Pressures

Sales is a highly competitive field and sensory overload is the name of the game. Your time is spent talking to ever-changing, unpredictable personalities on the phone, attending business meetings, balancing relationships with co-workers, and managing your pipeline. You hear “No thanks, “more often than you hear, “Yes.” You have demanding goals to meet, and drawing a paycheck means closing deals. The question is, do you love it enough to ride the adrenaline rush, or do you allow stress it’s negative impact?

Avoid Stress

  • Organization is at the heart of stress control.
  • Keep your promises equal to your capabilities.
  • Eliminate chaos and clutter from your environment.
  • Give prospects honest facts about your product.
  • When you don’t know the answer, admit it, and get it.
  • Help colleagues; they will return the favor when you feel the crunch.
  • Stay on top of technology developments.
  • Avoid multi-tasking.
  • Admit your limitations.
  • Make conscious decisions.
  • Open the window; fresh air feeds the brain.
  • Schedule breaks and get away from your desk.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Exercise eats stress.
  • Don’t work during your time off.
  • Indulge in a relaxing hobby.
  • Enjoy a social life.
  • Don’t skip vacations.

Adrenaline Rush

  • Recognize it.
  • Enjoy it.
  • Use it.
  • Relax when it passes.

When you take the time to reflect on what makes you tick; on how you spend your time, if you are honest with yourself you will find that you have the ability to control your processes. Avoid setting yourself up for stress and instead enjoy the thrill of the hunt and make more sales.

Published On: January 27, 2023 / Categories: Jim Banks /

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