There Is Revenue In Your Mistakes

Hindsight is always 20/20 and that’s too clear a vision to waste.  It is human nature to tuck away memories of extreme moments, so more often than not, our greatest lessons stem from the mistakes we make. 

In business one of your most powerful, money-making assets is the lessons you learn when things don’t go right.  In 1959 Ford lost $250 million on the Edsel and in 1964 it turned out the Mustang.  A million of them were sold the first year.  In 1977 20th Century Fox made the mistake of signing over all product merchandising rights for all Star Wars films to George Lucas for just $20,000.  They lost over 3 billion.  In 1975 Eastman Kodak developed the first digital camera – and then opted to sit on it  and the core technology for the cell phone, and in 2013 Apple and Samsung split the profit on the 120 million smartphones sold.

Take time to reflect on the call that didn’t work; the deal that fell through and the renewal you didn’t get, and use what you realize to take your mistakes to the bank.  What can you do to improve the process that you used on the ones that got away?

The Call Where You Heard, “No Thanks.”

  • Was there any pre-call research?
  • Could your call script be better; your tone of voice more confident?
  • Did you call the right person; someone with the authority to invite a second call?
  • Did you push for a sale instead of a second call?
  • Were you able to separate them from the last “no thanks” you got?
  • Did you offer them something helpful?
  • Did you assume you had all the answers rather than listen for their need?
  • Were you respectful of their time?
  • Did you leave yourself available in the event they reconsider?
  • Did you leave a quality last impression?

The Renewal You Didn’t Get

  • Did you give your client a reason to renew?
  • Did you give them reason not to renew?
  • Did your product update to stay current with the needs of the buyers?
  • How was your after-purchase service?
  • Did you foster a business relationship that had the ability to grow?
  •  Did you keep your product competitively priced?

The only bad mistake is the one you don’t learn anything from; the one you repeat.  When something doesn’t work, make time to figure out why.  Life is supposed to be a learning experience.  Turn “no thank-you” into revenue by using it to make you better at what you do.

Published On: January 10, 2023 / Categories: Jim Banks /

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