The Lessons B2B Sales Enablement Can Learn from ‘Bob the Builder’: A Father’s Perspective
Introduction While watching my young daughter engrossed in "Bob the Builder," I realized that its captivating elements could be applied to B2B Sales Enablement. As CEO of ClearKen, a sales enablement consultancy, I'm excited to explore these parallels further. The Essence of Problem-Solving Define Goals Clearly "Bob the Builder" thrives on problem-solving. Similarly, a well-defined problem and solution lay [...]
Was That No Maybe?
Think back When you were growing up and you asked for something your parents often said, “No” with a variety of phrases. Each one meant something different to you; few of them were seen by you as an ironclad turn down – or you wouldn’t have asked more than once. Really, what kid settles for no? [...]
Accurate Report Card Drives Profit Up
I was always a good student. I suppose it helped that I earned $2 for every “A” on my report card, but in truth, I really did like to see proof of my hard work. My brother, on the other hand, didn’t give a whit about school, so on the day he brought home a report card with [...]
Turn No Decision Made – Into a Real Deal
Depending on which articles your read; whose studies you consider, it is said that as much as 60 percent of business deals are lost due to indecision. The prospect opts to hang tight to the “status quo.” While there are times that it’s prudent to keep the status quo most of the time doing so inhibits progress. Historically [...]
Learning the Tricks of the Trade
Okay, I’ve never admitted this in public before, but we’re friends, so I’m going to trust you not to snicker. I spent second grade in a one room school house. Yes, a box with a peaked roof, bell with a rope beside the door; a right off of Little House on the Prairie schoolhouse on the outskirts of [...]
Who You Call Matters
Kids are so smart. Have you ever watched them in action? More often than not, when they want something they get it. Why? They get yes answers because they have a natural radar that tells them who to ask? Not really. What they have is a natural instinct to remember what does and doesn’t work depending on their [...]
Serve Benefits Straight Up
There’s fancy French Cuisine and there’s meat and potatoes. Which one best describes your sales pitch? Do you proudly tick off your product’s features like they are the appetizers and hope to keep the prospect on the line long enough to serve them the Cognac Shrimp with Beurre Blanc Sauce, or do you recognize that with your initial [...]
Sales Are Made By Teams
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Michael Jordan There is a reason that we have multiple governing houses making decisions for our country. They are meant as a check and balance system, but too, it is a division of responsibilities and a way to tap into the experience and expertise of many. So it works [...]
Increase Revenue with Quality Leads
“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” ~Steve Jobs While it is true that sales is a numbers game there is a fine line between what is best, quantity or quality, when it comes to filling your call list with prospects. You can argue that it’s a hit and [...]